Top Stories
New Louisiana law allows more doctors to prescribe medical marijuana
Bar owners seek injunction to re-open from federal judge in class-action lawsuit against the state
Mask and back-to-school supply giveaway set for August 8 in downtown Lafayette
City governments call for $300 billion from Congress
Lafayette Parish School System: Classroom teachers can wear scrubs this fall
Pres. Trump wants broader role for telehealth services in Medicare
One person in custody in active stolen vehicle investigation on the Evangeline Thruway
Vermilion Parish Library System temporarily closes branches due to employees quarantining after possible COVID-19 exposure
More Top Stories
St. Landry Parish School District to delay start of school year; will remain all virtual
Acadiana Park Campground could be temporarily shutting down
Archdiocese of New Orleans removes Deacon after abuse allegations surface
More Louisiana News
Mask and back-to-school supply giveaway set for August 8 in downtown Lafayette
Lafayette Parish School System: Classroom teachers can wear scrubs this fall
Vermilion Parish Library System temporarily closes branches due to employees quarantining after possible COVID-19 exposure
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Teen loses both parents to COVID-19 days apart
More Coronavirus News
Asia Today: Manila back under lockdown as virus cases surge
Men’s Wearhouse files for bankruptcy
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Stranded by virus, honeymooners hitch home on Antarctic boat
Filing for citizenship, other benefits becomes more expensive in October
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Hot and Mostly Quiet Week but with Lower Humidity For Now
Tropical Storm Isaias expected to reach hurricane strength when it reaches Carolinas
Tracking the Tropics: Isaias strengthens to Category 1 hurricane
Tropical Storm Isaias forms near Puerto Rico, could impact Florida this weekend
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